Partonomy list P3F, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress


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Top level systema nervosum centrale Short Extended
Level 2 encephalon Short Extended
Current level mesencephalon Short
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
61993 5261 tax
mesencephalon ; midbrain
external morphology of mesencephalon
77488 5582
lamina quadrigeminalis (par) ; lamina tecti mesencephali (par)
quadrigeminal plate (pair); tectal plate (pair)
62403 5586
colliculus superior (par)
superior colliculus (pair)
62404 5585
colliculus inferior (par)
inferior colliculus (pair)
84359 5579
trigonum lemnisci lateralis (par)
trigone of lateral lemniscus (pair)
77801 5577
sulcus lateralis mesencephali (par)
lateral groove of mesencephalon (pair)
62394 5575
pedunculus cerebri (par) ; crus cerebrale (par)
cerebral peduncle (pair) ; cerebral leg (pair)
83792 5574 tax
sulcus nervi oculomotorii (par)
oculomotor sulcus (pair)
83740 5572
fossa interpeduncularis
interpeduncular fossa
77523 5573
substantia perforata posterior
posterior perforated substance
morphologia interna mesencephali
internal morphology of mesencephalon
83902 5669 tax
tectum mesencephali
tectum of mesencephalon
9048 tax
grey substance of tectum of mesencephalon ▲
8067 tax
laminae colliculi superioris (par)
layers of superior colliculus (pair)
72406 5674
stratum zonale (par) ; lamina I colliculi superioris (par)
zonal layer (pair) ; layer I of superior colliculus (pair)
72407 5675
stratum griseum superficiale (par) ; lamina II colliculi superioris (par)
superficial grey layer (pair) ; layer II of superior colliculus (pair)
71112 5676
stratum opticum (par) ; lamina III colliculi superioris (par)
optic layer (pair) ; layer III of superior colliculus (pair)
72409 5677
stratum griseum intermedium (par) ; lamina IV colliculi superioris (par)
intermediate grey layer (pair) ; layer IV of superior colliculus (pair)
71113 5678
stratum medullare intermedium (par) ; lamina V colliculi superioris (par)
intermediate medullary layer (pair) ; layer V of superior colliculus (pair)
72410 5679
stratum griseum profundum (par) ; lamina VI colliculi superioris (par)
deep grey layer (pair) ; layer VI of superior colliculus (pair)
72416 5680
stratum medullare profundum (par) ; lamina VII colliculi superioris (par)
deep medullary layer (pair) ; layer VII of superior colliculus (pair)
272347 5670 tax
nuclei colliculi inferioris (par)
nuclei of inferior colliculus (pair)
72413 5671 tax
nucleus centralis (par)
central nucleus (pair)
72412 5672 tax
nucleus externus (par) ; cortex externus colliculi inferioris (par)
external nucleus (pair) ; external cortex of inferior colliculus (pair)
72411 5673 tax
nucleus pericentralis (par) ; cortex dorsalis colliculi inferioris (par)
pericentral nucleus (pair) ; dorsal cortex of inferior colliculus (pair)
stratum I corticis dorsalis (par)
layer I of dorsal cortex (pair)
stratum II corticis dorsalis (par)
layer II of dorsal cortex (pair)
stratum III corticis dorsalis (par)
layer III of dorsal cortex (pair)
stratum IV corticis dorsalis (par)
layer IV of dorsal cortex (pair)
9046 tax
white matter of tectum of mesencephalon ; white substance of tectum of mesencephalon
tractus commissurales tecti mesencephali (par)
commissural tracts of tectum of mesencephalon (pair)
71115 5681
commissura colliculi inferioris
commissure of inferior colliculus
72418 5682
commissura colliculi superioris
commissure of superior colliculus
tractus longi tecti mesencephali (par)
long tracts of tectum of mesencephalon (pair)
tractus ascendentes medullae spinalis (par)
ascending tracts of spinal cord (pair)
77766 12531 tax
tractus anterolateralis ; systema anterolaterale ; lemniscus spinalis
anterolateral tract ; anterolateral system ; spinal lemniscus
5328 tax
fibrae spinotectae
spinohidden fibres
tractus ascendentes trunci encephali (par)
ascending tracts of brain stem (pair)
72417 5584
brachium colliculi superioris
brachium of superior colliculus
71114 5583
brachium colliculi inferioris
brachium of inferior colliculus
72502 5468
lemniscus lateralis
lateral lemniscus
tractus descendentes tecti mesencephali (par)
descending tracts of tectum of mesencephalon (pair)
72645 8479 tax
tractus tectobulbaris
tectobulbar tract
decussatio tegmentalis dorsalis ; decussatio tegmentalis posterior
dorsal tegmental decussation ; posterior tegmental decussation
72620 8480 tax
tractus tectospinalis
tectospinal tract
central structures of mesencephalon
substantia grisea structurarum centralium mesencephali
grey matter of central structures of mesencephalon; grey substance of central structures of mesencephalon ▲
83134 5645
substantia grisea periaqueductalis ; substantia grisea centralis
periaqueductal grey matter ; central grey matter
ERR1 (par) ; ERR1 (par)
dopaminergic cell of periaqueductal grey matters (pair); ERR1 (pair)
substantia alba structurarum centralium mesencephali
white matter of central structures of mesencephalon; white substance of central structures of mesencephalon
tractus longi structurarum centralium mesencephali (par)
long tract of central structures of mesencephalons (pair)
tractus ascendentes medullae spinalis (par)
ascending tracts of spinal cord (pair)
77766 12531 tax
tractus anterolateralis ; systema anterolaterale ; lemniscus spinalis
anterolateral tract ; anterolateral system ; spinal lemniscus
5329 tax
fibrae spinoperiaqueductales
spinoperiaqueductal fibres
tractus descendentes structurarum centralium mesencephali (par)
descending tract of central structures of mesencephalons (pair)
fasciculus longitudinalis posterior ; fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis
posterior longitudinal fasciculus ; dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
62393 5578 tax
tegmentum mesencephali
tegmentum of mesencephalon
83913 5625 tax
grey matter of tegmentum of mesencephalon
8564 tax
nuclei somatosensorii tegmenti mesencephali (par)
somatosensory nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
54568 5494 tax
nucleus mesencephalicus nervi trigeminalis (par)
mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve (pair)
8565 tax
nucleus intercollicularis (par)
intercollicular nucleus (pair)
8566 tax
nuclei visuales tegmenti mesencephali (par)
visual nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
8567 tax
nucleus terminalis lateralis (par)
lateral terminal nucleus (pair)
9055 tax
nuclei acustici tegmenti mesencephali (par) ; nuclei auditorii tegmenti mesencephali (par)
acoustic nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair) ; auditory nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
9056 tax
nucleus brachii colliculi inferioris (par)
nucleus of brachium of inferior colliculus (pair)
77492 5652 tax
nucleus saguli (par)
sagulum nucleus (pair)
77494 5653 tax
nucleus subbrachialis (par)
subbrachial nucleus (pair)
8561 tax
nuclei somatomotorii tegmenti mesencephali (par)
somatomotor nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
54510 5626 tax
nucleus oculomotorius (par)
oculomotor nucleus (pair) ; nucleus of oculomotor nerve (pair)
8562 tax
nucleus caudalis centralis (par)
central caudal nucleus (pair)
8563 tax
nucleus interoculomotorius (par)
interoculomotor nucleus (pair)
8568 tax
nuclei visceromotorii tegmenti mesencephali (par)
visceromotor nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
5627 tax
nuclei accessorii nervi oculomotorii (par)
accessory nuclei of oculomotor nerve (pair)
8569 tax
pars preganglionaris (par)
preganglionary part (pair)
8570 tax
pars nonganglionaris (par)
nonganglionary part (pair)
54524 5629 tax
nucleus anteromedialis (par)
anterior medial nucleus (pair)
5684 tax
nuclei reticulares tegmenti mesencephali
reticular nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon
62402 5651
formatio reticularis mesencephali (par)
mesencephalic reticular formation (pair)
nucleus intracuneiformis (par)
intracuneiform nucleus (pair)
72427 5658
nucleus cuneiformis (par)
cuneiform nucleus (pair)
regio locomotoria mesencephalica (par)
mesencephalic locomotor region (pair)
15263 tax
nuclei neuromodulatorii tegmenti mesencephali (par)
neuromodulator nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
5663 tax
nuclei raphes mesencephali (par) ; cellulae serotonergicae (par)
raphe nuclei of mesencephalon (pair); serotonergic cells (pair)
77502 5664
nucleus raphes linearis (par) ; cellula serotonergica B8 (par)
linear raphe nucleus (pair); serotonergic cells B8 (pair)
68462 5545 tax
nucleus raphes dorsalis ; cellulae serotonergicae B7
dorsal raphe nucleus; serotonergic cells B7
7445 tax
nuclei dopaminergici (par)
dopaminergic (pair)
cellulae dopaminergicae areae tegmentalis ventralis (par) ; cellulae dopaminergicae A10 (par)
dopaminergic cells of ventral tegmental area (pair) ; dopaminergic cells A10 (pair)
cellulae dopaminergicae partis compactae substantiae nigrae (par) ; cellulae dopaminergicae A9 (par)
dopaminergic cells of compact part of substantia nigra (pair) ; dopaminergic cells A9 (pair)
cellulae dopaminergicae retrorubrae (par) ; cellulae dopaminergicae A8 (par)
retrored dopaminergic cells (pair) ; dopaminergic cells A8 (pair)
67947 5597
substantia nigra (par)
substantia nigra (pair)
62907 5598
pars compacta substantiae nigrae (par)
compact part of substantia nigra (pair)
pars dorsalis substantiae nigrae (par) ; pars posterior substantiae nigrae (par)
dorsal part of substantia nigra (pair) ; posterior part of substantia nigra (pair) ; dorsal tier of substantia nigra (pair)
subnucleus dorsolateralis (par) ; subnucleus posterolateralis (par)
dorsolateral subnucleus (pair) ; posterolateral subnucleus (pair)
subnucleus dorsomedialis (par) ; subnucleus posteromedialis (par)
dorsomedial subnucleus (pair) ; posteromedial subnucleus (pair)
pars ventralis substantiae nigrae (par) ; pars anterior substantiae nigrae (par)
ventral part of substantia nigra (pair) ; anterior part of substantia nigra (pair) ; ventral tier of substantia nigra (pair)
subnucleus ventrolateralis (par) ; subnucleus anterolateralis (par)
ventrolateral subnucleus (pair) ; anterolateral subnucleus (pair)
subnucleus ventrointermedius (par) ; subnucleus anterointermedius (par)
ventrointermediate subnucleus (pair) ; anterointermediate subnucleus (pair)
subnucleus ventromedialis (par) ; subnucleus anteromedialis (par)
ventromedial subnucleus (pair) ; anteromedial subnucleus (pair)
76844 5599
pars lateralis substantiae nigrae (par)
lateral part of substantia nigra (pair)
pars medialis substantiae nigrae (par)
medial part of substantia nigra (pair)
62908 5600
pars reticulata substantiae nigrae (par)
reticular part of substantia nigra (pair)
area tegmentalis ventralis (par) ; area tegmentalis anterior (par)
ventral tegmental area (pair) ; anterior tegmental area (pair)
5654 tax
nuclei tegmentales ventrales mesencephali (par) ; nuclei tegmentales anteriores mesencephali (par)
ventral tegmental nuclei of mesencephalon (pair) ; anterior tegmental nuclei of mesencephalon (pair)
nucleus linearis rostralis (par) ; nucleus linearis superior (par)
rostral linear nucleus (pair) ; superior linear nucleus (pair)
nucleus linearis caudalis (par) ; nucleus linearis inferior (par)
caudal linear nucleus (pair) ; inferior linear nucleus (pair)
77495 5655
nucleus interfascicularis (par)
interfascicular nucleus (pair)
77497 5657
nucleus paranigralis (par)
paranigral nucleus (pair)
77496 5656
nucleus parabrachialis pigmentosus (par)
pigmented parabrachial nucleus (pair)
84341 5685
nucleus parapeduncularis (par)
parapeduncular nucleus (pair)
8589 tax
nuclei limbici tegmenti mesencephali (par)
limbic nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
72437 5646 tax
nucleus peripeduncularis (par)
peripeduncular nucleus (pair)
8590 tax
nuclei precerebellares tegmenti mesencephali (par)
precerebellar nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
62407 5647 tax
nucleus ruber (par)
red nucleus (pair)
72431 5648 tax
pars magnocellularis (par)
magnocellular part (pair)
72430 5649 tax
pars parvocellularis (par)
parvocellular part (pair)
77493 5650 tax
pars posteromedialis (par) ; pars dorsomedialis (par)
posteromedial part (pair) ; dorsomedial part (pair)
83937 5602
white matter of tegmentum of mesencephalon ; white substance of tegmentum of mesencephalon
radices centrales tegmenti mesencephali (par)
central roots of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
72489 5464
tractus mesencephalicus nervi trigeminalis
mesencephalic tract of trigeminal nerve
tractus longi tegmenti mesencephali (par)
long tracts of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
tractus ascendentes medullae spinalis (par)
ascending tracts of spinal cord (pair)
77766 12531 tax
tractus anterolateralis ; systema anterolaterale ; lemniscus spinalis
anterolateral tract ; anterolateral system ; spinal lemniscus
5327 tax
fibrae spinomesencephalicae
spinomesencephalic fibres
fibrae spinointercolliculares
spinointercollicular fibres
tractus ascendentes trunci encephali (par)
ascending tracts of brain stem (pair)
8485 tax
fibrae nigrostriatales
nigrostriatal fibres
72502 5468
lemniscus lateralis
lateral lemniscus
tractus vestibulomesencephalici
vestibulomesencephalic tracts
tractus vestibulomesencephalicus medialis
medial vestibulomesencephalic tract
tractus vestibulomesencephalicus lateralis
lateral vestibulomesencephalic tract
tractus vestibulomesencephalicus ventralis
ventral vestibulomesencephalic tract
tractus vestibulothalamicus
vestibulothalamic tract
83852 8426
tractus trigeminothalamici
trigeminothalamic tracts
tractus trigeminothalamicus lateralis
lateral trigeminothalamic tract
72500 5463
tractus trigeminothalamicus posterior ; tractus trigeminothalamicus dorsalis
posterior trigeminothalamic tract ; dorsal trigeminothalamic tract
tractus trigeminothalamicus anterior ; tractus trigeminothalamicus ventralis ; lemniscus trigeminalis
anterior trigeminothalamic tract ; ventral trigeminothalamic tract ; trigeminal lemniscus
tractus efferentes cerebelli (par)
efferent tracts of cerebellum (pair)
72495 5760 tax
pedunculus cerebellaris superior
superior cerebellar peduncle
tractus afferentes telencephali (par)
afferent tracts of telencephalon (pair)
fibrae striatonigrales
striatonigral fibres
fibrae pallidofugientes
pallidofugal fibres
tractus descendentes (par)
descending tracts (pair)
fibrae amygdalotegmentales
amygdalotegmental fibres
77482 8415 tax
tractus hypothalamospinalis
hypothalamospinal tract
72640 8481 tax
tractus rubrospinalis
rubrospinal tract
72452 5623
decussatio tegmentalis ventralis ; decussatio tegmentalis anterior
decussation of rubrospinal tract; anterior tegmental decussation ; ventral tegmental decussation
fasciculus longitudinalis medialis
medial longitudinal fasciculus
77031 8494 tax
tractus interstitiospinalis
interstitiospinal tract
8490 tax
tractus tegmentalis medialis
medial tegmental tract
75216 8491 tax
tractus pretectoolivaris
pretectoolivary tract
75219 8492 tax
tractus prerubroolivaris
prerubroolivary tract
83850 5476 tax
tractus tegmentalis centralis
central tegmental tract
77050 5322 tax
tractus rubroolivares
rubroolivary tracts
white matter of cerebral peduncle (pair) ; white substance of cerebral peduncle (pair)
72634 8526 tax
tractus pyramidalis
pyramidal tract
5624 tax
fibrae corticomesencephalicae
corticomesencephalic fibres
9196 tax
tractus corticoruber
corticored tract
224856 12543
tractus corticopontini
corticopontine tracts
75223 6243
tractus frontopontinus
frontopontine tract
tractus occipitoparietotemporopontinus
occipitoparietotemporopontine tract
161 lines
65.8 %
60.2 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Traditionally, the Mesencephalon was subdivided into the Tectum (the Colliculi) and the Pedunculus (the Crus cerebri, the Substantia.VTA complex and the Tegmentum mesencephali). Here it is advocated to use the term Pedunculus only for what it actually is: a large bundle of fibres from the Telencephalon to the Brain stem and Spinal cord.
The Pars compacta may be further subdivided into two parts or tiers, each with subnuclei (Braak H, Braak E 1986 Nuclear configuration and neuronal types of the nucleus niger in the brain of the human adult. Human Neurobiol 5:71-82; van Domburg PHMF, ten Donkelaar HJ 1991 The human substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area. Adv Anat Embryol Cell Biol 121:1-130); here, the subdivision by Halliday G, Reyes S, Double K (2012 Substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area and retrorubral fields. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 439-455) is used. The various subnuclei partly correspond to the subdivision into Nigrosomes and Matrix (Damier P, Hirsch EC, Agid Y, Graybiel AM 1999 The substantia nigra of the human brain. I. Nigrosomes and the nigral matrix, a compartmental organization based on calbindin D28k immunohistochemistry. Brain 122:1421-1436).
The Nucleus externus is a laminar structure; in Amunts K, Morosan P, Hilbig H, Zilles K (2012 Auditory system. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1270-1300) described as External cortex of Inferior colliculus (ECIC) to replace the TA term Nucleus lateralis. In TH, the Nucleus pericentralis is described as Dorsal cortex with Layers I-IV, based on: Geniec P, Morest DK (1971) The neuronal architecture of the human posterior colliculus; Acta Oto-Laryngol 295:(Suppl):1-33; supported by immunohistochemical data in rhesus monkeys by Amunts et al. (2012; their Dorsal cortex of inferior colliculus).
See note # 5672
The Tractus vestibulomesencephalici include (Büttner-Ennever JA, Gerrits NM 2004 Vestibular system. In: Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds. The Human Nervous System, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1213-1240): the Tractus vestibulomesencephalicus medialis, containing fibres from Vestibular nuclei to Oculomotor nuclei, passing via the MLF; the Tractus vestibulomesencephalicus lateralis, with fibres from the Lateral vestibular nucleus to Oculomotor nuclei, passing just lateral to the MLF (eponym: Ascending tract of Deiters; the Tractus vestibulomesencephalicus ventralis, with fibres from the Y group and the Superior vestibular nucleus crossing in the Ventral tegmentum either within or below the Brachium conjunctivum.
(Tractus trigeminothalamici): The Tractus trigeminothalamicus anterior arises in the Spinal trigeminal nucleus and joins the Medial lemniscus, whereas the Tractus trigeminothalamicus lateralis arises in the Caudal part of the Spinal trigeminal nucleus and joins the Anterolateral tract.
(Tractus vestibulothalamicus): In monkeys, Vestibulothalamic projections pass via both the FLM and the Ascending tract of Deiters (Lang W, Büttner-Ennever JA, Büttner U 1979 Vestibular projections to the monkey thalamus: An autoradiographic study. Brain Res 177:3-17). Zwergal et al. (2008) demonstrated a Vestibulothalamic tract adjacent to the Medial lemniscus in humans (Zwergal A, Büttner-Ennever JA, Brandt T, Strupp M 2008 An ipsilateral vestibulothalamic tract adjacent to the medial lemniscus in humans. Brain 131:2928-2935).
The two 'Olfactory gyri' in TA suggested their presence as clearly identifiable structures; this is not true. These terms remained from the classic description of the Rhinencephalon (see Gastaut H, Lammers HJ 1961 Anatomie du rhinencéphale. Masson, Paris) and have been deleted. The Cortex piriformis or Cortex olfactorius primarius is the real Olfactory cortex, and can be divided into Frontal and Temporal parts (Allison AC 1954 The secondary olfactory areas in the human brain. J Anat (Lond) 88:481-488; Heimer L, de Olmos J, Alheid GF, et al. 1999 The human basal forebrain, Part 2. Handb Chem Neuroanat 15:57-226).
Type of list P3F
List Unit Identifier 5261
Sublist 1 5602 substantia alba tegmenti mesencephali 50/37 on 8.4.2019
Sublist 2 5625 substantia grisea tegmenti mesencephali 170/59 on 8.4.2019
Sublist 3 7479 structura centralis mesencephali 18/11 on 18.4.2018
Sublist 4 8035 substantia alba pedunculi cerebri 8/7 on 18.4.2018
Sublist 5 8559 morphologia externa mesencephali 23/10 on 29.3.2019
Sublist 6 9046 substantia alba tecti mesencephali 25/16 on 18.4.2018
Sublist 7 9048 substantia grisea tecti mesencephali 48/17 on 18.4.2018
Subtotals subchildren 342 subunits 157
Proper children 10
Number of children 352 (validated)
Proper units 4
Number of units 161 (validated)
Signature 4749 (validated since 8.4.2019)
Date: 29.07.2024